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LettEr to the upComing. MuSic ArtiSt

Dear Unknown Artist, I know All your Wish is to
Famous And Popular Like the other Musicians.
Maybe you've been waiting for too Long and
You're even About to give up. But you don't
have to throw Away ur # TALENT jux Like dat.
Wake Up From the Ground, Pray Hard! Take the
Pen and Write more Lyrics like you dont Care.
Roam From studio to Studio whether Rain or
Shine, Poor or Rich, Handsome or Ugly Don't
never REST! Producers will Deceive You,
Will give you Empty Promises, others too will
take ur money without Helping You, but Don't
neva Give up, its part of the Game. Jux keep on
To be best you have to work BEST,
I See a Talent in you, don't Hide it, Explore it
the World and You'll Soon be a STAR !!!
Always Remember this;
Every BOSS was Once a WORKER ....
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

Life iS a doublE Edge sworD

1. CHURCH has 6 letters so does MOSQUE.
2. BIBLE has 5 letters so does QURAN.
3. LIFE has 4 letters so does DEAD.
4. HATE has 4 letters, so does LOVE....
5. ENEMIES has 7, so does FRIENDS.
6. LYING has 5, so does TRUTH.
7. HURT has 4, so does HEAL.
8. NEGATIVE has 8, so does POSITIVE.
9. FAILURE has 7, so does SUCCESS.
10. BELOW has 5, but so does ABOVE.
11. CRY has 3 letters so does JOY.
12. ANGER has 5 so does HAPPY.
13. RIGHT has 5 so does WRONG.
14. RICH has 4 so does POOR.
15. FAIL has 4 so does PASS
16. KNOWLEDGE has 9 so does IGNORANCE.
Are they all by Co-incidence? We should Choose wisely, this
means LIFE is like a Double-Edged Sword.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.


If u think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a dead body and you will realise that it is the Grace of God that woke you up. If you are grateful to God, forward this to all your friends to inform them that it is JUST BY THE GRACE OF GOD that we are alive.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

Who reAlly ownS A mAn?

WHO REALLY OWNS A MAN? His mother or wife? THE GREAT ARGUMENT-( mother) my son must obey me unless he didn't suck my breast for 1years,(wife)-he suck mine now and sucked it more than 5years and still sucking it (mother)-I carry him for nine months (wife)-he was only 3.5kg then,so what is the Big deal? I carry him every night and he is 85.kg now.(Mother)-he passed between my legs with pains (Wife)-hahaha,he only passed there once,he stays between my legs like everyday and I scream with pains each night. PLEAS WHO OWNS A MAN?
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

PArents advice to their dAughter

Parents advice to their daughters. Age 12-16 Run from men !!, 17-21 Stay away from men !!! 21 -26 Hope you have a man!!! 27-31Bring a good man.!!!! 32+ Please bring any man,after all man na man
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

Patience is more than VIRTUOUS!

"Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active, it is concentrated strength."
- Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

It's a sad fact that most people give up on themselves and this business way to quickly.

They try a system or method out then get angry and give up because their life didn't instantly transform from one teeny investment into themselves!...

They lack vision- and patience.

They don't realize that everybody, yes, EVERYBODY goes through the initial failures, setbacks and growing pains.

So ya, it may be a jagged little pill to swallow, but that elusive Patience is required.

By patience is not passive! It's very active.

It means slowing down and focusing on high impact activities.

It means consistently applying proven methods that will work, it means testing, tweaking, learning, increasing your daily skills and smarts with the business and opportunities that you're a part of.

It means getting seriously Good at FOCUS.

Here's one to store away in ye old brain vault:

"Every YES must be defended by 1,000 NO's."

Get that. It's power!

You don't want to be a victim of the Paradox of Choice.

The problem isn't that there is not enough opportunities out there in the world, the problem is that there are TOO MANY opportunities out there.

So when you Decide? Decide.


Stick to it...

Don't let other opportunities and offers rob you of your sanity and success.

Online Boko Haram supporter arrested and faces terrorism charge

An Abuja Federal High Court has ruled that a
suspected 'online' terrorist, Muktar Ibrahim [aka Abu
Sabaya], who supports the activities of the Boko
Haram sect on the Internet, must answer charges of
terrorism brought against him by the Federal
The court presided over by Justice Gabriel Kolawole,
while dismissing a no-case submission filed by the
accused person, ordered that he should be remanded in
prison pending the determination of his case.
The accused person was described by the prosecution as
an online personality, who was celebrating the bombing
campaigns of the Boko Haram sect on a jihadist website
while also soliciting funds from international terrorists
groups to fund the activities of the sect in Nigeria.
Ibrahim, a First Class graduate of Mechanical
Engineering from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,
was said to have registered his email address –
banatsuad1@yahoo.com – on a jihadist website to post
messages on the activities of Boko Haram in the
country, contrary to the provisions of the Terrorism
Prevention Act, 2011.
Some of the messages said to have been posted by
Ibrahim on the website in February 2012 read "…is
there any way we can help the mujahahiden in
Nigeria by AMEF projects? We are ready to release
videos, statement and other material to support our
brothers in Nigeria."
The Federal Government said the post was a message
preparatory to an act of terrorism, an offence contrary to
section 1[1] [a] of the Terrorism [Prevention] Act, 2011
and punishable under section 33 [1] [a] of the same Act.
On or about June 16 2011, Ibrahim was said to have
posted a message that read,
"The wind of rage has been unleashed upon the
battalion of the tawaghit and all their allies in
Nigeria. In a successful attack, a severe attack and
damage at the heart of the security apparatus of
the Nigerian government, the Muwahhidin, with
the assistance of Allah, were able to deal a great
blow to the government and also to prove to their
masters in the White House that our call is based
upon actions rather than speech.
"Many Nigerians were very happy about the blast
because they are frustrated by the tyranny of the
tawaghit and their hijacking of the country's
resources for their selfish interests.
"This attack is indeed a success because prior to
the attack the Nigerian Police Force on behalf of
the Inspector General of Police Hafiz Ringim,
boasted and he vowed that the days of the
Muhahhidin in Nigeria are numbered. Little did
he know that the Muhahhidin are on their way to
his palace in Abuja."
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.