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You Wont Believe This! MEET The man who lives without money! [PHOTO]


Irishman Mark Boyle tried to live life with no income, no bank balance and no spending. Here’s how he finds it.

If someone told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I’d now be living without money, I’d have probably choked on my microwaved ready meal. The plan back then was to get a ‘good’ job, make as much money as possible, and buy the stuff that would show society I was successful.

For a while I did it – I had a fantastic job managing a big organic food company; had myself a yacht on the harbour. If it hadn’t been for the chance purchase of a video called Gandhi, I’d still be doing it today. Instead, for the last fifteen months, I haven’t spent or received a single penny. Zilch.

The change in life path came one evening on the yacht whilst philosophising with a friend over a glass of merlot. Whilst I had been significantly influenced by the Mahatma’s quote “be the change you want to see in the world”, I had no idea what that change was up until then. We began talking about all major issues in the world – environmental destruction, resource wars, factory farms, sweatshop labour – and wondering which of these we would be best devoting our time to. Not that we felt we could make any difference, being two small drops in a highly polluted ocean.

But that evening I had a realisation. These issues weren’t as unrelated as I had previously thought – they had a common root cause. I believe the fact that we no longer see the direct repercussions our purchases have on the people, environment and animals they affect is the factor that unites these problems.

The degrees of separation between the consumer and the consumed have increased so much that it now means we’re completely unaware of the levels of destruction and suffering embodied in the ‘stuff’ we buy.

Very few people actually want to cause suffering to others; most just don’t have any idea that they directly are. The tool that has enabled this separation is money, especially in its globalised format.

Take this for an example: if we grew our own food, we wouldn’t waste a third of it as we do today.

If we made our own tables and chairs, we wouldn’t throw them out the moment we changed the interior décor.

If we had to clean our own drinking water, we probably wouldn’t shit in it.

So to be the change I wanted to see in the world, it unfortunately meant I was going to have to give up money, which I decided to do for a year initially. So I made a list of the basics I’d need to survive. I adore food, so it was at the top. There are four legs to the food-for-free table: foraging wild food, growing your own, bartering and using waste grub, of which there far too much.

On my first day I fed 150 people a three course meal with waste and foraged food. Most of the year I ate my own crops though and waste only made up about five per cent my diet. I cooked outside – rain or shine – on a rocket stove.

Next up was shelter. So I got myself a caravan from Freecycle, parked it on an organic farm I was volunteering with, and kitted it out to be off the electricity grid. I’d use wood I either coppiced or scavenged to heat my humble abode in a wood burner made from an old gas bottle, and I had a compost loo to make ‘humanure’ for my veggies.

I bathed in a river, and for toothpaste I used washed up cuttlefish bone with wild fennel seeds, an oddity for a vegan. For loo roll I’d relieve the local newsagents of its papers (I once wiped my arse with a story about myself); it wasn’t double quilted but it quickly became normal. To get around I had a bike and trailer, and the 55 km commute to the city doubled up as my gym subscription. For lighting I’d use beeswax candles.

Many people label me an anti-capitalist. Whilst I do believe capitalism is fundamentally flawed, requiring infinite growth on a finite planet, I am not anti anything. I am pro-nature, pro-community and pro-happiness. And that’s the thing I don’t get – if all this consumerism and environmental destruction brought happiness, it would make some sense. But all the key indicators of unhappiness – depression, crime, mental illness, obesity, suicide and so on are on the increase. More money it seems, does not equate to more happiness.

Ironically, I have found this year to be the happiest of my life. I’ve more friends in my community than ever, I haven’t been ill since I began, and I’ve never been fitter. I’ve found that friendship, not money, is real security. That most western poverty is spiritual. And that independence is really interdependence.

Could we all live like this tomorrow? No. It would be a catastrophe, we are too addicted to both it and cheap energy, and have managed to build an entire global infrastructure around the abundance of both. But if we devolved decision making and re-localised down to communities of no larger than 150 people, then why not? For over 90 per cent of our time on this planet, a period when we lived much more ecologically, we lived without money. Now we are the only species to use it, probably because we are the species most out of touch with nature.

People now often ask me what is missing compared to my old world of lucre and business. Stress. Traffic-jams. Bank statements. Utility bills. Oh yeah, and the odd pint of organic ale with my mates down the local.

How a ‘Prophet’ R@ped A Woman In Order To ‘Heal’ Her Stomach Problem!

In the latest round of unbelievable, un-Godly things that some pastors have been doing lately, Lungile Ncube, supposed prophet of the Twelve Apostolic Church, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, stands accused of r@ping a woman he was supposed to be helping with her stomach problem. , .

According to My Zimbabwe News Online, when the 32-year-old Ncube appeared before Sikhumbuzo Nyathi recently, the bemused Regional Court Magistrate heard how the prophet had supposedly prophesied that the 23-year-old woman was suffering from stomach problems and her husband would soon be involved in an accident at work.

The prophet then offered to come to the house of the woman and help her to pray for healing, according to the alleged victim of the r@pe.

Ncube is denying that he violated the young woman when he went to her house on Janaury 28th, the day after he supposedly received a revelation that she needed his help in order to be healed.

However, the distressed young woman insisted in court that Ncube used guile tactics to weaken her defenses and put her faith and trust in him.

According to the woman, Ncube, who is also a neighbor, came to her house in the early morning while her husband was at his place of employment, a local mine.

Ncube then proceeded to persuade the woman to drink a solution of three cups of water mixed with salt, then prepared a hot water bath for her to steam her body with, alleged the woman.

The woman went on to say that Ncube then asked her to strip naked and wash her private parts in the prepared water. However, the woman refused to do this as it didn’t appear to be a proper thing to do when they were all alone in the house together.

Ncube allegedly allowed the woman to wash her private parts while he went outside. However, when he returned, he again insisted that the woman must strip to complete the healing process of rubbing soil, salt and mud all over her body.

After having smeared the “healing mixture” over the woman’s breast and legs, Ncube then asked the still embarrassed woman to bend over. Allegedly, this is when he quickly inserted his manhood into her private parts, insisting that she would have to climax to achieve full healing.

The woman later told her husband about her strange ordeal and they informed the local police.

Banks Refuse To Operate At Nyanya Following May Day Blast

The Nyanya area of Abuja has now become a ghost town as many people have fled to the city centre following last night's attack

Our  reporter reports that while banks are open, they've refused to operate out of fear and protest over last night's bombings. Reports further state that the area has become more of a ghost town with many people abandoning the area even as many of the cash machines in the area are devoid of cash.
Also noteworthy is the fact that the check points which were in place after the April 14th bombing, have now disappeared altogether as the security operatives who were previously there are no where to be found.
Meanwhile President Jonathan is reported to have summoned his security chiefs to a closed door emergency meeting following last night's attack. The attack which occurred late evening left no fewer than 20 people dead and many others injured.

Patience Jonathan plead to Nigerians to help fight against Terrorism

First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, has called on Nigerians to join her husband in the fight against terrorism.

According to her, “terrorism can defeat anyone including my husband, President Goodluck Jonathan, if he fights alone, because terrorism cannot defeat us collectively.”

She made this clarion call at the 44th Birthday celebration of the National Coordinator of the Oodua People’s Congress, OPC, organized by Mr. Gani Adams, and held in Ikeja, Lagos.

Delta teachers embark on strike over colleague’s kidnap

UGHELLI— WORRIED by the threat to the security and safety of teachers in Ughelli North Local Government Area, Delta State, occasioned by the kidnap of their colleague, Mrs Elizabeth Urevbu, the Nigeria Union of Teachers, NUT, in the area has embarked on a week warning strike, demanding the unconditional release of their colleague.
Mrs Elizabeth Urevbu was reportedly kidnapped five weeks ago at Awhire Secondary School, Awirhe-Agbarha-Otor during school hours alongside an engineer, whose identity was not known at press time.
The engineer, according to a dependable source who does not want his name in print, was released few days after the incident.
The union, in a communiqué at the end of its emergency meeting, said: “The branch council in session, equally frowned at the way and manner the Delta State security operatives are handling the matter, especially the Delta Police Command, five weeks into the kidnap of our colleague.”

The union urged security operatives in the state to step up effort towards securing the immediate release of Mrs Elizabeth,” adding that the strike was in obedience to the directive of the state wing of the union.

Foursquare Splits Into Two Apps, But Will Either Be Strong Enough To Survive?

Foursquare is planning to split its core app into two separate experiences, one that provides recommendations and another that acts as a “social heat map” where users check in and see nearby friends.
The new app is called Swarm, and it is not yet available, though according to Dennis Crowley, the app takes a lot of inspiration from the Instant Messenger, where you can see when your friends are online and offline. Swarm shows which friends are in the area and opens up the opportunity for a dialog, which is a story we’ve heard from multiple startups but one that hasn’t been tried out by a more mature company like Foursquare.
On the other side, Foursquare will be redesigning its core app from the ground up. The biggest surprise is the removal of the check-in altogether, as the new app will focus on discovery and exploration.
“The point of the company, this whole thing, was never to build an awesome check-in button,” said Crowley in an interview with the Verge. Yet, when Foursquare launched five years ago, they needed the check-in button to get data around where people were going, when they wanted to share it, or remember it, or rate it. Now, they have all of that data, they don’t need you to check in.
Instead, you’ll be met with a search experience not all that different from Yelp, but with very different results. Rather than offering the ten best pizza places in your general area, Foursquare will know where you’ve been, what you’ve liked before, and what your friends like, so the results will be tailored to you in an almost predictive manner.
And since Foursquare’s technology knows exactly where you are, how long you stay, and the route you take to get from one place to the next, it no longer relies on check-ins to keep track of your taste.
So Foursquare is breaking itself in two, but early impressions are that this is more like the situation in the movie “Twins” than the awesome self-duplication powers of Marvel superhero The Multiple Man. The new Swarm app takes out Foursquare’s vaunted check-in and adds ambient location sharing, something no one has ever expressed any demonstrated interest in, not with many kicks at the can in the form of ambient geosocial apps like Highlight, Circle and many others. Even in the extensive Verge profile, Crowley seems keen on talking more about how powerful Foursquare is without the check-in, rather than how great Swarm is with that included.
Foursquare is essentially becoming a direct competitor to Yelp, which is a logical place for it to go. But this so-called “unbundling” seems less likely to generate multiple top-quality products, and more likely to give the company a way to shed some of its baggage while making a relatively harmless side-bet in case it has managed to nail a formula for ambient location networking. Facebook’s unbundling is different, I’d argue, with products like Messenger offering a real possibility at viability, and clarifying the mission of the core Facebook product; this is much more like jettisoning the cargo to try to save the ship.
Neither of the new apps are available just yet, but should be in the coming weeks.

Boko Haram: Adebayor appeals for global attention on abducted girls

EmmanuelAdebayor460 Boko Haram: Adebayor Appeals For Global Attention On Abducted Girls
It’s been almost two weeks since more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped by Islamist group, Boko Haram.
The sect members abducted the girls from their dormitories, loaded them onto trucks, before setting the boarding school ablaze. The girls are aged between 13 to 18.
With no news on whether the girls are still alive, Tottenham’s Emmanuel Adebayor has joined those calling for their release. He expressed concern on his Instagram account.
The Togo international’s heartfelt message read: “Over 200 girls have been kidnapped in a school in Nigeria over 2 weeks ago. This needs to end now.
“As a father it breaks my heart knowing that the kidnapping of these girls hasn’t been resolved yet and they are still missing.
“As the whole world can search for a plane that is missing, they certainly can help out bringing these school children home. Bring back our girls