Satellite operators find common voice for future communications

Chief executives of the world’s leading satellite operators met recently at the Satellite 2015 Conference in Washington, USA, to announce that henceforth, they will work with a common voice to detect the future of satellite communications. The world’s only CEO-driven satellite organisation also known as ESOA, is expanding to include satellite operators from the ITU’s region 1, namely Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS.

At the conference, ESOA Chairman, and CEO of Eutelsat, Michel de Rosen, highlighted the importance of the sector’s executives attached to leading a coordinated and impactful response to the global challenges and opportunities it faces.

According to him, “the issues our industry faces matter for the hundreds of millions of people who benefit from our services. We will better secure the future of our sector in the connected world by coming together in a broader forum to define a shared vision and work together to make it a reality.

Preserving access to our spectrum at WRC15 is currently our number one priority and a goal shared by all satellite operators. We will have a louder voice by joining forces to ensure our users don’t lose out and our massive investments are not in vain.”

Adapting to new trends

Rosen explained that they were conscious of two important trends in telecommunications: increased demand for rich media video content and increased take-up of mobile data services. Both trends are heading towards unmanageable congestion for networks that will result in massive user delays, poor quality content and a more critical digital divide than exists today.

These developments are also happening against a backdrop of increased vulnerability of terrestrial fixed infrastructure. The Satellite operators also indicated that thousands of HDTV channels being transmitted are pioneering Ultra High Definition broadcasting and facilitating backhaul and mobility services across hundreds of countries across the globe.

Leading the charge to protect spectrum

The operators were of the opinion that geographic expansion of ESOA is also in response to the overwhelming push on satellite operators to combine their efforts and lead the charge to protect highly sought-after spectrum and retain their place as high value contributors to digital markets.

ESOA is a Brussels-based trade association whose membership brings together all European, Middle-East and African satellite operators and supporting members including service providers, manufacturers and launch service providers. Set up in 2002, the association’s mission is to provide a unified voice and a platform for collaboration for satellite operators to ensure the continued success of the sector and to broaden the opportunities for policymakers to leverage satellite services to fulfil their objectives.


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