Make huge amount of money from your website through Buysellads

Almost everyone who is running a website,blog or forum wants to make most of it.The only way to earn money online through your website,blog or forum is through Ads.BuySellAds is the best and coolest way to sell Ad Spot of your blog,website or forum.Normally blogger think that advertisers will contact them for advertising which is infact a bad idea.Instead of doing that you can create an account at BuySellAds.It works on listing your site in its large marketplace as per the category or subject of your site.The marketplace is open for both Advertisers and Publishers.It means,If your blog gets the approval of BuysellAds then it will get more exposure in front of Advertisers.It alternatively means that you will get a chance to earn more from your blog with ease.BuySellAds is abit different from other monetization methods like Adsense because it provides much more control over the Ad Sizes,Pricing and More.

How Does Work?

Make huge amount of money from your website through Buysellads

In order to add your blog to the Publisher directory of,you must create an account there.Registration is completely free.After creating an account,you need to enter the information of your blog into the provided form.Once done,it will review your blog and will approve or disapprove on the basis of its terms and condition.If your blog is approved by,it will appear in the publisher directory.If your blog has good amount of traffic and you have placed your rate intelligently then advertisers will contact you.They will supply you with the necessary HTML code to insert into your blog in order to display their Ads.As written above,Advertisers purchase space on your blog directly through which means that you don’t have to be involved in accepting payments from each individual advertisers.The minimum threshold is $50 which means you can only request for payment after getting $50.Normally ads are purchased in 30-days increments which is set by the publishers i.e by you.

What are the benefits of Using is undoubtedly the best platform for making money online through your blog.It has following benefits:

Tremendous Visibility of your blog in front of quality advertisers.
PayPal Payout Option with twice cash request Per Month.

Minimum Threshold for the Payment is $50 which is best even for small publishers.
They only cut 25% which is cheapest when compared with its other competitors.
Multiple Banner Sizes and Flexible contents Option such as Image,Text,both etc.
Instant approval and listing -If your blog has good traffic and legal contents then you will easily get the approval of

Important Tips for getting the Approval of

Make huge amount of money from your website through Buysellads is undoubtedly the best platform for selling the Adspot of your blog and thus making money.That’s probably be the reason why almost all popular bloggers are using this website.However so many other users are also there who complains that always rejects their site.For such users,below given Tips can be really helpful:
Age of your Website - According to my own experience,your blog/website should be at least 3 months older for getting the Approval of of the new blogger start blogging and apply for which is not the way.That’s probably the reason why they never get the approval.

Alexa Rank -According to the terms and conditions of,your blog/website must have at least a rank under 100 K in Alexa.Actually advertisers measures the popularity of a website through Alexa Rank.

Traffic and Pageviews – For getting the Approval of,your blog/website must have at least 500,000 Pageviews per month.If you are not getting that much traffic then don’t apply for it.

Custom Domain -Custom Domain name shows your seriousness for your website/ also takes this matter seriously so they will reject your application if you are applying with free domain names such as, etc.Always prefer to choose a top level domain like-,, etc.

Unique Contents- No one want to place their Ad on a website/blog which has copied content so your website/blog must have unique and Quality contents for getting the Approval of
Professional Look -Most of the people doesn’t take it seriously but it is also an important factor.A professional and clean layout attracts user as well as advertisers so doesn’t approves a blog which has confusing or ugly layout.

Adult of Unauthorised Contents -BuySellAds.Com is not made for website/Blogs which has Adult or unauthorized contents such as selling of Weapons,Hacking/Cracking,Contents which spread violence etc.It  means that you will never get an approval,if your website lies in any of these categories.
Language of Website/Blog -English is the most popular Language in this world.For getting the approval of,your website/blog must be in English.

Google PageRank -Google PageRank also plays an important role for websites and advertisers.They measure the popularity of Particular website through Google PageRank.However it is not a necessity.If you have good traffic and unique content,you can easily get the approval.

Write an Article of -It is not a necessity but it can help you so publish an article of on your blog.

Top Reasons why No Advertisers are Buying your Ad Spots on

So many bloggers are there who has got the approval of but no advertisers are buying the Ad spot of their blog.The reason are as follows:

Low Page views per Month -If your blog has less than 10,000 page views per month then there is hardly any chance that advertisers will contact you.It is quite logical as well because no one likes to waste their money on a website which is useless for them.

Your Ad Space is very Expensive -This can be the other reason.Most of the bloggers/website owners want to make huge amount of money from their blog/website.After getting the approval of,they sell their Ad Space at high rate which is not a good practice.If you are new then it is always recommended to start with low rates.

Size of your Ad Space -Normally advertisers use common sizes like 125×125,468 x 468 and 300×250.If you haven’t created such an Ad size then it is likely that you will get very few advertisers.You must make your Adverts 125×125 pixel wide and high because it is the most popular ad size on

Lack of Enough Stats about your Website/Blog -In,you must show your Alexa rank, Compete rank, Pagerank, number of inbound links, Delicious bookmarks, RSS subscribers, Twitter followers, Facebook fans and SEOmoz Domain authority statistics.If you are not showing these statistics then you are creating confusion among advertisers.

Absense of Proper Description  about your Website/Blog -Description is always important for advertisers because they check the description first.This is because they only promote their products on websites which is related to their interest.If you are not providing enough description then you are making it difficult for them to interpret what your website is about.

Haven’t Uploaded the Picture of your Website/Blog-You must upload a screenshot of your website at 640×480, an icon (being the logo) at 48×48 and favicon at 16×16.It is quite important because advertiser will get the idea about the look of your website/blog before actually visiting it.
Placement of your website/blog in wrong category -BuySellAds provides you the ability to choose the category for your blog and also the keywords.If you have placed your website/blog in the wrong category,it will loose its importance.