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O Lord, Where is Mr Perfect?

“I am really tired of praying to God”

“Hey, don’t say that, Susan!”

“I will say it again and again.”

“But why? You are beautiful, you are active in church and everything seems to be going on well.”

“Na beauty I go chop?” Beautiful and yet husbandless at thirty-five?”

“God has a man for you”

“Where is the man? And when will the man come?”

“Just be patient and be prayerful.”

“Shebi, you are already married, cooling off in your husbands home, with a romantic six-packed man to rest your naughty head on every night, while I am speaking in tongues alone on cold nights with no one in sight”

“Sister Susan!”

“Sister Joy!”

“What about Brother David?”

“It is you that will marry Brother David!”

“Ah! What happened to Brother David?”

“You came to church this morning in a Toyota Lexus right?”


“So, I should go and marry Brother David so that I can improve on all the trekking I have done in the last thirty-five years? So that my name can enter Guinness Book of Record for The trekker of all times, abi?”


"You no know say the trek wey I don trek for this world, e no get part 2?"

“You can make somebody laugh”

“How will you not laugh?” Please, don’t talk about Brother David o?”

“But my husband didn't have a car when we married.”

“I don’t have that patience.”

“Ok, what about Brother Godwin? He asked you out and he has a car?

“That one? That bush man? He cannot even pronounce the name of his car well. He is out of it.”

“Brother James also asked you out. That one nko ?”

“Brother James is too spiritual for me. He doesn't know more than quoting Bible and praying in the Holy Ghost. I am not sure I will ever get to see a movie if I marry him.”

“Tee Boy also asked you out. He is not as spiritual.”

“Ah, that choir boy who has toasted every lady in church? He is too carnal for me.”

”What about Deacon Joshua, you said he asked you out as well?

“That one doesn't have money joor” Is it only preaching we will be eating after marriage?”

“Uhmmm…”Who else asked you out?”

“Brother Tomi, he is too short."

“But it is not in heights?”

“Why is your own husband tall?”


“Brother Bode also asked me out, but his mouth is too sharp, he talks too much like somebody that has mouth diarrhoea!” Brother Tola is too tall, and he is bent over like somebody that is sick. I cannot marry him.” Brother Chiefo is too old for me. He is nearly forty-five. I am not sure if he is a real man.

Brother Sanmi is too busy with playing keyboard. He will not have time for me. Brother Bubu is okay but the way he smiles reminds me of my primary school teacher that nearly killed me with beating. Mr. Tony is an ideal man, but the way I see him, he will turn me into a housewife. Brother Steve said he wants to become a pastor, I cannot marry a pastor.

Brother Faith seems to like women a lot, I cannot be competing with other ladies in my matrimonial home. Brother Eze is okay, but his bow leg is a concern. Mr. Smith would have been it, but the way he walks like a village man will not befit my destiny. Brother Love is too dark, like God forgot him in the oven or something like that. Mr. Scoot is too light, if both of us are light, will our children not become albinos? And Mr…..”

“It’s okay. I have heard enough.”

“They are still many o…”

“I have heard enough to make my conclusions.”

“What are your conclusions, Madam teacher!”

“You are not ready for marriage!”

“How can you say that? With all my prayer and vigils?”

“You are looking for the perfect man. You will never get one.”

“Are you not the people that say we should not marry an unbeliever or just anybody?”

“Are all these people you mentioned unbelievers?” You see, Mr-perfect does not exist!”

“So, what should I pray for?”

“Pray for God’s will. Pray for God’s perfect will for you. God’s perfect will is not always a Mr. Prefect!”

“What if he doesn't look handsome enough?”

“What if he looks dashing and handsome and after wedding, after you have fed him well, he departs from your definition of handsome and six packs become six months pregnancy? Will you divorce him?”
“So, how do I choose now?”

“First, know that God will never lead you wrong.”

“Secondly, it is only God that knows the one you will love now and will still love in another fifty years.”

“Thirdly, your brain is not designed to know the best spouse for you, Only God can help you decide who is the best person that is not only physically dashing but also spiritually prepared for your destiny.”

“Fourthly, stop looking for inadequacies, look out for God’s direction.”

“Fifthly, if he is born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, with no character flaws or habitual sins, the only thing that remains is God’s leading.”

“So, ask God to lead you. Ask him to help you. Ask for the leading of the Holy Spirit. He is the helper. He knows the best for you.”


“Stop using your brain to judge!”

“What if God shows someone to me and he is not physically attractive?”

“God is intelligent. He is not an author of confusion. God is love and He will never lead you to someone you hate and loathe. On the contrary, it is your feelings that can deceive you that you are in love with someone that you will really hate tomorrow!”

“I understand now! "

“So I could have missed my man?”

“Possibly, but all hope is not lost. You just need to get back in God, trust His direction and He will have mercy on you! “

"But in all of these, know that an unbeliever or a believer with habitual sins/character issues is a no-go-area.”

"Thanks Joy! I'm blessed!"

"I pray that God will lead you indeed!"

I am led of God

Lord, help me to hear you clearly

1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJV)
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.


God is the author of of relationships. Relationship cut across all areas of our lives. There are certain requirements for relationships based on it's types. It is true that many often fail in their relationships. So, we want to uncover the secrets behind a successful relationship between a bachelor and a spinster who are looking up to marriage.

1. Secret simply means, "knowledge that is hidden and intended to be kept hidden" We have to leak the secrets today!
2. Successful means, " resulting in success, assuring, or primitive of, success, accomplishing what was proposed, having the desired effect, prosperous, furtunate, happ"
3. Relationship means, " connection or association, the condition of being related."
4. 'in the Lord': A careful study of the use of this adverbial phrase in the Bible means according to the Lord's ( Christ's) teaching. See 1Cor. 7:39, Eph 6:1, Col.3:18.
Therefore, we are discussing the secrets behind successful relationship according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Key tips to think deeply on
- Relationship is not for children, but for adult of marriageable age.
- Any child who dabbles into a relationship before time will surely get hurt.
- When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.
- Insanity is doing a thing the same way and expecting a different result.


You must take your time to discover who you really are. You must know your temperament. Your must know your strengths and weaknesses. Know your medical status. You may need the  counsel of a psychologist and a medical doctor. A good knowledge of yourself is needed before thinking of having a partner.

Vision is "an idea or goal towards which one aspires". You must have a vision for your life. You can't move like the waves of the sea to just anywhere. You must become visionary. This means having vision or foresight. Someone with a vision is one having positive ideas about his or her future. A visionary person is goals oriented, ambitious, objective, purposeful and also aspires for the best. If you are a man of vision, you attract a lot of sisters. Then, it becomes easy to choose. Sisters want to marry men who have vision in all areas of their lives.

You have to break down your vision into short, medium and long term goals. Then pursue them. You must set goal for your intended relationship. It must be legalistic.

Prayer is key to success generally. You must constantly pray for your future endeavors. You must start to pray for the kind of relationship and marriage you will like to have before time.

Please note that these points are not necessarily arranged in any particular order.

You must be spiritual minded. You will succeed if your relationship is built upon the solid rock of the word of God. Seek and be among God's people always.

There is a saying that goes, " He who fails to plan is planning to fail" You must prepare physically, financially, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and educationally. If you are a brother, make sure you have a house you live in rented or built, a steady source of income,  etc before seeking to start a relationship. Sisters want to be    sure that you will be able to take good care of all forms of their needs. If you are a sister, do something that earns you money so that you will be able to support your husband. This will gain you respect from your husband. Sisters should not expect their fiance to start paying all their bills while just starting a relationship.

It's important for brothers to study their intended partners even before approaching approach them. While the relationship has started. This studies continues.

Most men don't know how to approach women.   Some brothers are not left out. This is why sisters often times reject them outrightly. Brothers should learn to approach sisters with respect. Don't ask a sister to be your girlfriend, she might just reject you. Ask her to be your Christian sister and a friend. Grow friendship first. Show her love. Tell her you love her. Give her the assurance that the relationship is heading for marriage. Only say what you mean and only mean what you say. Sister wants to be sure that you truly love and really want to marry her. Don't be in a hurry for her to accept to court you. In fact, be the one to tell her to take her time out to think before getting back to you. Be patient for her response. If you don't know how to approach her, let a mature brother or sister do it for you before you come into the picture. First impression matters a lot.

Only look for a perfect partner if you are one. But if you know you are not perfect, then expect imperfection from your would-be partner. Men should know that God wants them to groom their partners. The grooming starts when in a relationship and continues in marriage. Sisters, know that you can't get Mr right since you are not Miss right. You need someone who loves God and is willing to learn how to overcome his weaknesses. Many sisters are unmarried because of this mistake. Don't be a victim.

Effective communication is the engine that drives a relationship. You must master the art. Poor communication skills will ruin your relationship. Mind what you say, when to say and how to say it to your partner in your relationship. Relationship often starts well, but when there is breakdown in communication, such relationship may hit the rock and may never be revived. Settle differences immediately. Communicate daily and in fact many times in a day.

[20:35, 1/15/2018] ‪+234 816 218 8663‬: 11. LEARN TO APOLOGIZE.
Most men feel too big to say sorry when they are wrong. Some women a r sad also hardened. They consider it belittling themselves if they say sorry. You must learn to apologize always, sometimes even when you are right.

If God forgives us of all our sins, how much more we mere mortals. Often times, we refuse to forgive. This endangers our relationships. We must be ready and willing to forgive our partners even before being wronged. Remember, if you don't forgive men their trespasses neither will God forgive you. It means your prayers will be abominable before God. Forgive and keep your relationship alive.

Both brothers and sisters must master the art of cooking before thinking of going into relationship that is leading to marriage. This is because after marriage, when one is weak, the other who is strong will take care of the weak one. I pity men who don't know how to cook because they will surely eat outside when their wives are not at home. Brothers, sisters want to hear that you can cook for yourself. This makes them feel safe because they know they will need you to do that when they are pregnant or have just given birth. Brothers abandon sisters who cannot cook before marriage. So,  prepare for courtship and marriage by becoming a good cook. In fact the ability to take care of the home generally is needed.  This is because relationship is to be continued in marriage.

You don't have to intrude into the privacy of your partner always. Allow him or her some privacy. Stop searching his or her phones and questioning him or her about everything. Stop policing him or her. Stop monitoring his or her every movement. You will likely  accuse him or her falsely. This may spell doom for that relationship. Stop constituting yourself to be a private investigator to him or her because this will be interpreted as lack of trust. This has ruined many relationships. Yours should not be next.

Many people are very proud of themselves and their achievements. They look down on others. This often takes over a person's entire being and makes him or her not to see the best in others. Pride is manifest when a person becomes boastful. He or she becomes the centre of reference in almost every discussion. The Bible says that pride goes before a fall. Many sisters have remained unmarried till old age as a result of pride in their lives. They reject and look down on brothers. This brothers do go out and convert women and marry, while sisters remained single. Sisters do this because of their beauty, financial status, social standing, educational qualification, etc. Many sisters who felt victim of pride are regretting it. Don't be the next victim!

Humility attracts honour, respect, favour and friendship. It makes for peace in a relationship. So, wear humility, especially as a sister. One of the things brother look for in a partner is her level of humility. So wear it and let it overwhelm you.

The law of silence demands that you have the ability to remain calm in certain situations. You must learn to be quiet sometimes. You need to listen more than you talk. You need to be calculative in your speech. You need to meditate on some things said to you first before you respond. There are sometimes that silence becomes the only answer that guarantees peace. However,  don't ignore your partner when he or she talks to you. You can put a discussion forward until you are ready to handle it. Note that verbal wounds hurt more that literally wounds and takes a longer time to heal. Be careful!

Your partner may decide to test you on a number of issues. They test is geared towards determining whether you are still steadfast to your promise to him or her. It might be to determine what kind of husband or wife you will be when both of you gets married. It might be to see how much you love God. It might be to determine what you really want from him or her. Think we'll first, before you respond to questions or demands that seem tempting. If you are not careful, you will fail his or her test because it will come to you as a surprise. Be alert. Anticipate them before they come. If you fail, he or she may feel you are unserious and may leave you.

If you are a man, love your family members, especially your mother. If you love your mother you will be able to love your wife. If you are a woman, love your family members, especially your father. If you love your father, you will be able to love your fiance and your husband later.

You must learn to give, give and give. Step expecting and collecting all the time. Men generally don't like women who are too demanding. So,  find something to do so you can support your partner.

There are some brothers who go out with two to fours sisters promising to marry them. There are also many sisters who do same. There are some sisters who promise to marry one brother whereas are still going out with others and collecting things from others. At the long run, all may disappoint her, perhaps after messing her up. Stick to one person and be committed to the relationship.

Always appreciate one another. When your partner does something good to you, don't fail to say thank you. Even though it is very small favour, still appreciate. This will attract more love, peace and care to you. It strengthens the relationship.

Women generally get attracted to humorous men. Brothers, make sure you joke at times to create a happy atmosphere for proper communication. Humorous people     are very interesting people. So,  try to be one.

Brother, learn to tell your fiancee that she is beautiful, tell her she has lovely eyes, tell her she has lovely voice, tell her that her hair or dress is beautiful. Tell her that she is always neat. Tell her all the sweetest things she likes to hear. Above all, tell her that you love her and that she is the best thing that has ever happen to you. Mention that you can't trade her for another. Buy her surprise gifts, most especially what she likes. If you fail to do these things, be sure that an unbeliever will do them and before you know it, she will fall for it. Women easily get  carried away by those sweet words. Sisters, brothers also want to hear you speak sweetly to them. You violate no scripture for saying these things to make one another happy. You only master the art of making one another happy.

Know that sexual immorality is a very serious sin before man and God. Abstinence is the key. Flee fornication ( 1Cor. 6:18). Never visit your partner in secret. Never kiss your partner. Never engage in romance. Don't have sex with him or her till after marriage. Flee anyone who encourages you to. Note that your partner is flesh and blood and that there is the possibility of falling into sin. So, be cautious. Don't ever give room for it to happen. Always make it a law never to have sex before marriage right from the beginning of your courtship and follow that resolve passionately. It is possible to abstain. You can.

Eat well.
Make every possible effort to look good. Your appearance matters a great deal. Your appearance attracts either decent or indecent suitors. If in a relationship already, dress fine. Maintain nice hair style. If possible, find out what hair style, dresses and shoes your partner wants to see you in. Remember that in a relationship, you do things to please one another. However, you must not violate God's commands to please any mortal being.

You don't have to visit often. Visit in company of fellow Christians. Visit only when expected. Brothers shouldn't just go to a sister's house. Sister will misinterpret your intent. Some families don't want their female children to be visited by any man. They tell their female children that they shouldn't introduce a boyfriend to them. They should only introduce the would-be husband. That means they have to be sure before receiving anything from anyone. So, visit only when you have the approval of the sister and her parents. You can see and talk about your relationship in the church or in the open places.

As your relationship is moving on fine, create time to take your partner out. You can visit the cinema, bar beach, fast food, etc. I'm not talking about boyfriend or girlfriend here. I'm  discussing serious relationship that is heating marriage soon. Which means family members had given approval to it. Brother, if you don't take your fiancee out, an hour unbeliever will do it and you loose her. Women love good things. They want to be in good places. Sister, you can tell your fiance to take you out. You violate no scripture by doing these things for happiness in your relationship. Get wisdom!

Being committed to your partner means you love him or her truly. It means you stay true to him or her. It implies faithfulness. It means loyalty to one another. It means you are content with him or her. It means you give no room for relationship destroyers. You give no room to snatchers. Never play over the intelligence of one another by double dating. Get some senses!

Some men play to the gallery just to get women. They tell them all sorts of lies to get them. Once they get them, they start manifesting who they really are. Unfortunately, some brothers follow suit. They deceive sisters by parading themselves to be who they aren't. Some sisters do same. Stop being an hypocrite. Be truthful. Be honest. Don't give someone a false hope.

Brother, don't hide your financial status. Let your partner know your income and expenditure items. Sister, open up to your fiance. Openness creates trust. It makes partners plan their lives better. Remember in a relationship, the partners start to think alike, act alike, plan for the rest of their lives together. Relationship quickly translates into marriage when issues of finance are kept open. So,  open up today!

You must not live on credit and yet live in pretence. Let him or her know who owes you and who you owe as well as the amount. This will help you to succeed in your relationship. Sudden discovery of this can pose threat to the success of your relationship. So,  stop pretending!

Many Christians pretend to be saints. They start relationship when they suppose not. Some do it as a result of lust. These and many factors often lead to break up. Some times the offended partner in the relationship feels so cheated and deceived. This often affects new relationship that should result in marriage. To overcome the pains in the heart by an ex party in a relationship, you must first forgive and then allow the person to be in your past. Live that ex to the past. Focus on the present wonderful person God is bringing your way. Don't allow the pains of the past to make you feel bad and treat the innocent partner as your ex. Never go back to your ex because the later disappointment may be worst than the previous one. Note: "Once beaten, twice beaten."

Many Christians youths are as worldly as unbelievers. In terms of music, dressing, lifestyle,etc. Things like these affect relationships. It affects sisters most because devoted brothers will not want to court and marry such. Some sisters want to marry a man who lives in a nice flat, has a car, receives huge monthly salaries, etc while such don't even have anything to support the man with. They often reject good suitors while waiting for their 'ready made husbands". Many sisters with this mindset are already above forty years and are still single. The brothers they rejected left them, got married to other sisters, had children who are graduating from higher institutions. Sisters should not bewitched themselves.  Sisters should be more spiritual minded.

Learn to respect yourself. Lear to respect your partner. Remember that respect is a reciprocal. Lack of respect can easily cause break up. No man  likes a disrespectful partner for courtship let a lone for marriage.  Many sisters lack respect. They should learn that or get ready for break up. In fact the would-be mother in-law would tell the son not to marry a disrespectful girl to avoid marital problems. So,  sisters, learn to respect.

Many relationships fail from the beginning. This is as a result of inability to let go of past failed relationship. Because of past failures, some sisters feel that the new suitors would also disappoint them. They often say that all men are the same. Sisters, all men are not the same. There are still good ones. Brothers, don't allow past rejection to condition your mind for another failure. Brothers and sisters, always be optimistic. This is the only known way to succeed. Speak faith into your life. Nots: "so you think, so you become"

It's true that experience is the best teacher. Before you go into a relationship, consult a relationship expert. Get tips for successful relationship. This will enable you to know what to expect and what to do. Brother, if you can't go hunting, use a trusted expert to hunt for you before being let in to your partner. Both partners need to carry trusted married persons along in their relationship. This will enable you get quality advice that will enable you to succeed.

We have been looking at secrets of successful relationship.
We have considered a lot of tips. Please endeavor to follow them carefully and your relationship will transform into marriage soonest.

Please share with your friends and family if found useful


When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.
~By Lee Majors

After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together.
~By Al Gore

By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
~By Socrates

Woman inspires us to great things and prevents us from achieving them.
~By Mike Tyson

The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want?
~By George Clooney

I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me.
~By Bill Clinton

"Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes on Tuesdays, I go on Fridays."
~By George W. Bush

"I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years."
~By Rudy Giuliani

"There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage."
~By Michael Jordan

"I've had bad luck with all my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn’t.” The third gave me more children!
~By Donald Trump

Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming
1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
2. Whenever you're right, shut up.
~By Shaquille O’Neal

The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once...
~By Kobe Bryant

You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to.
~By David Hasselhoff

My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.
~By Alec Baldwin

A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.
~By Barack Obama

Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy.
~By Tommy Lee

A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: "Wife wanted". Next day he received a hundred letters.
They all said the same thing: "You can have mine."
~By Brad Pitt

First Guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!"
Second Guy : "You're lucky, mine's still alive."
~ By Jimmy Kimmel

“Honey, what happened to ‘ladies first’?” Husband replies, “That’s the reason why the world’s a mess today, because a lady went first!”
~By David Letterman

“First there’s the promise ring, then the engagement ring, then the wedding ring...soon after....comes SuffeRing!
~By Jay Leno

"The reason why wives live longer is because they don't have a Wife"
~By Brandon Breezy

Share this to all the men to give them a good laugh .......and to the ladies with good sense of humour who can handle it!!!!!!!

WHY ARE JEWS SO SMART? By Dr. Stephen Carr Leon

Since I spent about 3 years in Israel for internship in a few hospital there, it came to my mind about doing research on  "Why the Jews are Intelligent."

It goes without denial that Jews are ahead in all aspects of life such as engineering, music, science and most obvly  in business -  nearly 70% of world trade/business are held by the Jews - in cosmetics, food, fashion, arms, hotels and film industries (Hollywood etc).

During my 2nd year, I was about to go back to California. This idea came to me and I was wondering why God gave this gift/ability to them? Is this a coincidence? or is it man-made? Can intelligent Jews be produced like goods from a factory? My research took abt 8 yrs to gather all the information as accurately as possible, like their food intake, culture, religion, initial preparation of pregnancy, etc and I would compare them with other races.

Let’s start with initial preparation of pregnancy. In Israel, the first thing I noticed is that a pregnant mother wld always sing n play the piano n wld always try to solve mathematical problems together with her husband. I was very surprised to see the pregnant women always carry math books. Sometimes I would help her to solve some problems. I wld ask,  "Is this for your child in the womb?" She wld answer, "Yes to train the child still in the womb so that it would be a genius later on". She wld solve maths problems without let-up until the child is born.

Another thing I noticed is abt their food.  The pregnant women loved to eat almonds n dates with milk.  For lunch she wld take bread and fish (without the head), salad mixed with almonds n other nuts. They believe  fish is good for the devt of the brain and that fish  head is bad for the brain. And also it is in the culture of the Jews for pregnant mothers to take cod liver oil.

When I was invited for dinner, I noticed that they always like to eat fish (flesh and fillet) and no meat. According to their belief, meat and fish together will not give any benefit to our body. Salad and nuts is a must, esp almonds.

They would always eat fruits first before the main meal. Their belief if you eat the main meal first (like bread or rice) then fruits, this will make us feel sleepy and difficult to understand lessons in school.

In Israel, smoking is a taboo. If you are a guest, don’t smoke in their house, they would politely ask you to go out to smoke. According to scientists in  Univs in Israel, nicotine would destroy cells in our brain and will affect the genes and DNA, resulting in generations of moron or defective brain. All smokers  pls take note (Ironically, the biggest producer of cigarettes is… you know who...).

The food intake for the child is always under the guidance of the parents., First, the fruits with almonds, followed by cod liver oil. In my assessment, most Jewish children know at least 3 languages, ie Hebrew, Arabic and English. Since childhood they wld be trained in playing the piano and violin - it is a must.

They believe that this practice will increase the IQ of the child and will make him a genius.  According to Jewish scientists, the vibration of the music wld stimulate the brain.  That is why there are lots of geniuses among the Jews.

Since grade 1 to 6, they wld be taught business mathematics. Science subjects would be their first preference. As comparison, I cld see the IQ of children in California is about 6 years back. Jewish children are  also involved in athletics such as archery, shooting and running. They believe that archery and shooting wld make the brain more focused on decision-mkg and precision.
In high school, students are more inclined to study science.  They wld create products, indulge in all sorts of projects  (although some looks very funny or useless). But all attention is given seriously - especially if it is on armaments, medicine or engineering. A successful project or idea wld be introduced in higher institutes, polytechnics or universities.

The Business faculty is given more preference in the last year of university.  Students in business would be given a project and they can only pass if their group (about 10 in a grp) can make a profit of USD1 million !

Don’t be surprised - this is the reality. And that is why half of the business in the world is held by the Jews. Eg.. who designed the latest Levis?  It is being designed in an Israelu university by the Faculty of Business and Fashion!

Have you seen  how they pray?  They always shake their heads -  they believe this action will stimulate and provide more oxygen to the brain (same thing with Islam where you need to bow down your head).

Look at the Japanese, they always bow down their heads as their culture - lots of them are smart -  they love sushi (fresh fish). Is this a coincidence?

In the USA, the commercial/trading center for the Jews are based in New York -  catering only for the Jews. If any Jew has any beneficial idea, their committee will give free interest loans and will make sure the business prosper. Thus Jewish companies like Starbucks, Dell Computers, Coca Cola, DKNY, Oracle, Levis, Dunkin Donut, Hollywood films and hundreds other businesses were given free sponsorship.

Jewish medical graduates in New York were encouraged to register with them and allowed to practice privately with this interest-free loan. Now I know why most hospitals in New York and California always lack specialist doctors.

Smoking will lead to generations of moron. During my visit to Singapore in 2005, I was surprised to see smokers are regarded as outcasts and the price of a pack of cigarettes is about USD 7. Like in Israel it is a taboo. Singapore's form of government is similar to the Israelis. And that is the reason why most of their universities are of high standards,  even though Singapore is only as big as Manhattan.

Look at Indonesia, everywhere people are smoking. The price of a pack of cigarettes is very cheap only USD 0.70 cents! The result is millions of people with very few intelligent. You can count the number of universities, what product they produced that they can be proud of, low technology, can't speak other than their own language. Eg why is it so difficult for them to master the English language? All this is due to smoking, their diet, culture.

In my thesis, I do not touch on religion or race -  why the Jews are so arrogant that they were being chased around since the time of the Pharaoh until Hitler. For me it is about politics and survival. The bottom line is: Can we produce intelligent generations just like the Jews??

The answer could be yes. We need to change our daily habits of eating, parenting, etc. and maybe within 3 generations, it could be achieved.
This I could observe in my grandson, for example, at the age of 9 he cld write a 5-page essay on "Why I love tomato"

May all of us be in peace and succeed in producing future generations of genius for the betterment of humankind, no matter who you are.


YOU saw him in a facebook group:
•U check his Profile picture.
•He Drives A Range Rover Sport 2016.
.He is handsome.
•He inboxed you.
•You reply, all excited.
•You'll want 2 hook up.
•You set a date.
•You dress up that Legging With No underwear.
•Smelling good.
•You put on a make up - fresh breath and new weave.
•He takes you 4 lunch @ Serena Hotel.
•He Takes you for - Drinks At Java.
•You two have a good time.
•He rubs your hand,
•Makes you laugh,
•Gives you looks and smiles.
•You stupidly fall in love.
•It's like you've known him Forever.
•He takes you to his apartment.
•He makes you feel comfortable and lays u on his bed.
•Kiss you passionately.
•You love his aggression, strength, power and you give in.
•It feels good.
•You know it's wrong, but it feels good.
•You ask for protection, he says it's too late.
•You obey and don't disturb.
•He says he loves you and you don't hesitate to say you love him too. He hits it nice and slow
•After, he goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
•He helps you drink it, ohh man.
•You feel special.
•"He must be the one" you think to yourself.
•You get dressed.
•He takes you to the taxi park.
•He kisses you on the cheeks and  says
•"I had a great time,"
•Gives You cash.
•U smile and say.
•"See you tomorrow babe."
• He stays silent.
•Your taxi drives away,
•In the taxi u can't stop smiling.
•You get home and inbox him that you got home safe.
•He is online, but doesn't reply.
•It's unlike him, so you inbox him again.
•He doesn't respond.
•Minutes later you can't find him on ur friend list.
•Days, weeks, months passes by.
•You start feeling sick, weak, loose weight, act strange with sores in your mouth.
•You go to the clinic.
•Get tested.
•Minutes later,
•Nurse walks in."I'm sorry. You're HIV Positive and Pregnant!"
•".HOW ?"
•You don't understand.
•Reality hits you.
•You walk home.
•You go to the bus stop.
•You lay, hopeless, emotionless.
•You see death coming nearer.
•You look into the sky & mumble a prayer.
That's the end of you.
Don't be that girl !Live well. Stop Chasing Material Things. Stop chasing SPONSORS!!
Be A Girl You Want Your Daughter To Be!

Are there limitations to Speaking in Tongues and Performing Miracles?

My bunkmate, Emeka, returned from the impartation service held at the Corpers' Fellowship at the NYSC Camp looking worried. A senior pastor had come from town to lay hands on those who had responded to the altar call. They were told that speaking in tongues would be the sign that they had been given the gift of the Holy Spirit. Emeka couldn't speak in tongues like others and so he thought something was wrong with him.
Emeka's experience brings the following questions to one's mind:
1. Are all believers expected to speak in tongues and perform miracles?

2. Are these gifts for all Christians of all time?

3. Who benefits from speaking in tongues?

4. Who benefits from miracles?

5. Have these gifts ceased today?
Shall we listen to the Bible?

In Mark 16:17-20, Jesus tells His disciples that they would do many signs, among which are speaking in tongues and miracles. But verse 20 affirms that these signs were *to confirm the Gospel preached to those who heard them*.

✔Note that not all Christians in the first century spoke in tongues or performed miracles. 1Cor.12:5-10
✔1Cor. 12:11 shows us that it was the Holy Spirit who determined which gift to give to those who had spiritual gifts.
✔Because these gifts could only be received by the laying on of the Apostles' hands, it indicated that they were for a specific period. Acts. 8:17-19; 1 Cor. 13:8 No pastor today reserves the right to lay hands on you to receive gifts of the Holy Spirit talk less of determining the gift you are to receive.
✔Possession of spiritual gifts did not make the possessor more spiritual. Otherwise, Paul would not have had to write to the Corinthians rebuking some of them for abusing the gifts. Also, God would be partial for not giving these gifts to all the Christians then and now if the gifts enhanced the spirituality of the possesors. 1 Cor. 12:28-30
✔ What All Christians of All Time share in common is the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Acts 5:32; 2:38; Romans 5:5.
✔The Holy Spirit indwells Christians who obey the Gospel of Christ by being baptized. Acts 19:1-7
✔The Apostles and first Christians on whom the apostles laid their hands did not use their gifts indiscriminately. They used it solely for the purpose of confirming the message preached. 2 Timothy 4:20b and 1 Timothy 5:23 affirm that Paul had companions who needed healing but did not use the gift of healing on them. Even he was not healed of a 'thorn in his flesh' 2Cor.12:7-8. The signs and wonders performed by the Holy Spirit through them was for confirmation of the word. Hebrews 2:4
✔Those who claim to speak in tongues today do not speak in human languages but claim to speak in 'angelic' languages whereas those who spoke in tongues in the Bible spoke human languages could be understood and interpreted. Acts 2:1-12; 1Cor.12:10b shows that some had the gift of interpreting tongues(languages).
✔The tongues spoken today are for their edification and not for unbelievers but 1Cor.14:22 says tongues are to benefit unbelievers and NOT for believers.
✔Our focus as Christians should be on the salvation of our souls and worshipping God in an acceptable manner. Jesus said one could perform miracles and still go to hell. Matt7:21-24.

I hope with these truths, you, like Emeka my bunkmate, will be equipped to know the truth about speaking in tongues and miracles. Prove all things and hold fast to the truth.
Written by Daniel 'Jimi for evangelismportal.org


I have often wondered why is it that most men forget to give gifts to their wives? Why is it that we overlook the need to give our wives pocket money? Say.. "my dear, take this and buy yourself something or this is your pocket money for this month." This pocket money is not the same thing as soup money or money to buy things at home. I mean money strictly for her and her alone. Understand?
Now, I am not saying all our wives are in need. I am not relegating women to the background. I know that in this age and time, most women work and some of them earn well enough to take care of their basic needs... and their children, if not even earn better than their husbands and in good position to shoulder the loads of the family. But God forbid that men will wait on their wives!.
But my take here is: is anything wrong in saying "my dear, take this as your pocket money for this month" ? I guess there is nothing wrong in that even if she earns better than you the husband. I guess its an act that God will be glad we men still play, not minding how much you give or if your wife needs it or not.
Now ask the woman next to you: if your husband gives you pocket money regularly, monthly, often or seldomly not minding if its N5k or N10k, or N100k, will you take it or not? Will you appreciate it or not?
You know women naaaaw, na bring bring bring, be their philosophy. They will take it. I guess if we men cultivate that act, it will go a long way to make our wives believe their husbands love them. And watch what such women will do in response.
Let me tell you a story. One day, a client paid me a big sum and i just felt like tripping my wife. I put her in the Toyota Camry car i was using then and off i drove to Shoprite. I did not even tell her we were going to Shoprite. When we got there, she exploded
"Do you have money? What are we doing here?
I said "just follow me and pick anything you want."
Right inside Shoprite, I picked cart and wheeled it behind her. "Pick anything you want my love."
See women o! Na so she dey pick, pick, pick. The cart was full. Then she picked her own cart too, and in minutes, her cart was full too. I picked the bill, almost N86,000. As we were going out of the mall, something struck her ...
"Honey, You did not buy yourself anything!" she wondered
Ah, i have no cash left. Let us go home ...
"No, i have some money. Lets go back and pick what you want".
So we went back. My wife picked a bill of N42k for me alone.
Now, you know i never knew my wife had money on her? But she brought it out and spent on me because i had impressed her. Dear Brothers, Impress your wife, she will spin surprises on you.
Now look at this again: when i scrutinised all we bought with my N86k, hardly was there anything strictly for her. Almost everything we bought were things we used at home and for the children. But when it was her turn to buy for me, i bought things for MYSELF! Shaving cream, boxers, stockings, slippers, clipper, DVDs, singlets, my kind of juice, (understand?) etc. Things me alone use!
It taught me a great lesson: most women are good. Most women are not greedy. All they want is show them you love them, you will catch them for life!
Men, give your wives pocket money today. Cultivate the habit. Don’t say sebi she is working.
And women, don’t say how much are you giving me gan sef? Appreciate it and say thank you.