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Microsoft Does Us A Solid By Accidentally Confirming That The Surface Mini Is Real

Microsoft declined to comment. Earlier today, a manual published to help users dig into their new Surface Pro 3 devices contained multiple mentions of the currently Super Secret Surface Mini. Oops.

Surprised? Don’t be. Microsoft had originally planned to debut the Surface Mini alongside the Surface Pro 3. I’ve heard from people with knowledge of the matter that the decision was made close to the cusp, making the mistakes funny, if not particularly surprising.

Keep in mind that Microsoft also slipped up — perhaps the accident wasn’t much of an accident — and outed the coming Surface Pro 3 before its official announcement.

Today, of course, marks the first day of general availability for the Pro 3. Hence the user guide. Does this mean the Surface Mini will go on sale in the future? No. But it does underscore how far along the device got before it hit the weeds.

Is a smaller Surface a good idea? There has been success by some — the Dell Venue Pro 8 comes to mind — in selling smaller Windows-based tablet devices. However, given the Surface line’s focus on keyboards, and docs, and the ability to do more than consume content, the smaller form factor is slightly hard to parse.

Just for fun:

Screen Shot 2014-06-20 at 10.35.25 AM


Lenka Might Be The Black-And-White Photographer’s Dream App

Photo apps have evolved from adding filtering, to being social, to smashing up the two. Instagram grew like a weed based on this philosophy. EyeEm has grown by making your feed of friends photos look so good, you know you just have to take great photos as well (there’s some clever algorithms at work there). Now a new app, designed by one of the world’s best photographers, wants to bring it all back home: to the picture itself.

And not just any picture. The new Lenka app for iOS is like having Kevin Abosch — who has photographed everyone from Steven Spielberg to Yoko Ono — hovering over your shoulder, reminding you that all you have now is your eye.

Developed by a team in France, the app uses proprietary image processing with automatic exposure. Costing $2.99 and requiring iOS 7, it’s built for the iPhone 5 series but can be used on any iPhone.

With Lenka, Abosch has stripped back the process of photography to its bare essentials. Lenka shoots only in Black and White, and will only allow you one ‘filter’ which is a high contrast mode, will only allow you to light a subject with the iPhone light switched on, or off. There is no flash. It’s this kind of discipline he demands, and it shines through in the app he has had produced.

Now, while there are competitors include Hueless and the ‘Dramatic Black & White’ app, when you fire up Lenka you immediately realise that it’s capable of much more subtle greys and textures than most normal camera apps. There is a feeling of quality and simplicity about it.

Its auto focus and auto exposure makes the process of shooting fast and easy. Editing it also paired-down. You can crop or rotate a photo. That’s it. After-all, that’s probably all Abosch does himself. You can almost hear him saying ‘just take the best photograph *first*’.

Instead of a flash, you can switch the iPhone light on continuously – again, this is to help you take the best photograph, not the best quick snap. You can also choose between a rectangular or square aspect ratio with a pinch.

No serious photographer would use the poorer front-facing camera. Thus, with Lenka, that is not available to you. What real photographer chooses a worse lens, after all?

You can’t post-process other photos from the camera roll. Either you take pictures in Lenka, or you don’t. Again, Abosch is almost saying, ‘hey, I do this for a living, trust me.’

Lenka is not a social network, but you can export your images to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook or via email or message. Your images are also saved in the app’s own gallery and the camera roll.

When I first saw Lenka images I realised quickly that the subdued monochromatic character of the images set it apart from many other smartphone images I’d seen.

Abosch says his team spent a lot of time analysing the characteristics of the iPhone camera sensors, modelling their behaviour, and compensating for inherent weaknesses through real-time image processing. It shows.

Applying a filter to a color photo is “just not the same as previewing and conceiving an image in black & white from the start,” he Abosch. “For me the story now is about changing people’s approach to taking pictures,” he says.

“Up until now, it’s all about frequently shooting and then considering what to do with the results. Trying to turn mediocrity into something greater through post filters. Lenka encourages thoughtful creation. When I think of black and white I think of the moon set against a black sky… In alchemical teachings this represents feminine energy, so I always thought of this app in this sense.”

But where does the name comes from? “I’ve always been drawn to early Czech photographers like FrantiĊĦek Drtikol. I picked a popular Czech name… Lenka.”

Lenka appears to have been well-received on the app store already. Abosch guesses it might be “a reaction to the overly complicated apps that in my opinion, get in the way of just… taking the photo.”



A sitemap is simply a directory of all the pages existing on your site, like a table of contents showing the structure of your blog. Sitemaps help search engines crawl your site and index it properly. Search engines will crawl your site if you have a sitemap or not, but this makes the process easier and quicker for them.

Bloggers default XML sitemap only shows recent blog posts – which is about 26 posts. We want search engine spiders to know your blogs structure so that they can easily understand and index it.


Creating a site map on Blogger is easy, simply add your blog name to the link below.

Blogger – Default URL
Blogger – Custom URL
A single sitemap file should not be exceed 50MB which is why we limit it to max results 500. You may need to edit this depending on how big your feed is. Now we’ve to tell search engines that this is your site map. To do this, we add it to your robots.txt file and submit it to Google Webmaster Tools.


Go to Blogger > Dashboard > Settings > Search Preferences and click edit the custom robots.txt file. Click enable and paste the following adding your blogname.
 User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://blogname.blogspot.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 
The above section means that search engines can index your entire site (Allow: /) apart from your blogs search results (Disallow: /search) which is good because that would be considered duplicate pages.


Now login to Google Webmaster Tools and select your blog. On the left click Crawl > Sitemaps > Add/Test Sitemap. You’ll see your blog name and a text input box, paste atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500, test for errors and submit.

Google will now start to crawl and index your site. You can check what pages have been indexed on Googles Webmaster Tools or by going to Google Search and typing “site:www.BLOG-URL.blogspot.com”, “site:BLOG-URL.blogspot.com”, “site:www.BLOG-URL.com” or “site:BLOG-URL.com”. To submit your sitemap to Bing, login to Bings Webmaster Tools, add your URL, verify ownership and then submit your site map. It may take a few days for your site to be indexed.


If you have more than 500 posts on your blog, you simply submit another sitemap starting at post number 501 for the next 500 posts like so /atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=501&max-results=500 and continue this depending on the amount of posts you have. So if I had over 1000 posts, my robots.text file would look like this and I would submit the three separate sitemaps to Googles Webmaster Tool.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://blogname.blogspot.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500


JRHYDME was born Diran Oludele G. started his music career when he was at secondary school(final class), began listening to other artistes and covering their songs. He was encouraged to start writing his own lyrics by friends while in secondary school after which he began to pursue a professional career in hip-hop music,after which his story changed a little while he did his first single: IYAWO MI. Which truely showed him the part to follow ,he is still upcoming and he is getting there these is his two smashing tracks SHEBBI and THAT FINGER these track has this dance feeling when you listen @itssJRHYDME


Enable Facebook Comments Without Removing Google + Comments

This tutorial will guide you on how can enable Facebook comments on your blogger blog without removing Google + comments.

1st step creating app

Just go to Facebook Developers Page  create a new app. click here
Now write Name of your application(your website) and press continue button.In a new page you will find your app id and secret code just copy it and save it in a text file.

Step 2 installation in blogger

Just go to Blogger Dash Board>>Template>>>Edit HTML
and search for below lines
<html ...... xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr'>

and replace these lines like below

<htmlxmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'...... xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr'>

 Now find <body> tag.And after this insert below code.Make sure to  change highlighted lines (Your APP ID) with your Facebook ID.
 <div id="fb-root"></div><script>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId : 'YOUR_APP_ID',
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml : true // parse XFBML
(function() {
var e = document.createElement('script');
e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js';
e.async = true;

Now search for </head>  And just above it insert below lines.Replace Your APP ID with your own APP ID.
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID" />

Now find these lines carefully it is important
 <b:includable id='comment-form' var='post'>

And just below it insert below code and save your template .


cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>


style='padding:20px 0px 5px 0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;'>















preview your blog post to cross check your work, if it display then you are done but if not, press control z on your keyboard till no more changes or simply click on revert changes at the top corner of template editor and then start all over again.
if you have issues enabling it, please drop your comment so we'll help you out

FUNNAB: Only 3000 Admission Spaces Available for 2014/2015 Session - VC

Vice Chancellor of the University of Agriculture Abeokuta, UNAAB, Olusola Oyewole, during a press conference with regard to the 21st and 22nd convocation ceremonies of the institution which will come up on the 20 and 21st June 2014 revealed that the institution has only 3000 available spaces for the 2014/2015 admission.

According to him, out of the over 30,000 candidates that applied through JAMB to study in the institution only 15,000 scored 180 and above and are therefore eligible to go through the screening exercise for admission in the 2014/2015 academic session.

These 15,000 candidates will be competing for the 3000 available admission spaces in the institution.

He however revealed that that only the Senate of the institution would decide what criteria to use in selecting 3000 candidates out of the 15,000.

According to him,the cut -off mark for the institution may turn out to be 200 in order to reduce the number of candidates vying for the limited spaces to 6000.

FUNNAB aspirants, with this development what chances do you think you have in securing admission this year.

Iraq formally asks US to launch air strikes against rebels

Iraq has formally called on the US to launch air strikes against jihadist militants who have seized several key cities over the past week.
"We have a request from the Iraqi government for air power," confirmed top US military commander Gen Martin Dempsey in front of US senators.
Earlier the Sunni insurgents launched an attack on Iraq's biggest oil refinery at Baiji north of Baghdad.
Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki earlier urged Iraqis to unite against the militants.
Government forces are battling to push back ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) and its Sunni Muslim allies in Diyala and Salahuddin provinces, after the militants overran the second city, Mosul, last week.
US President Barack Obama is due to discuss the Iraq crisis with senior Congress members on Wednesday.
Ahead of the meeting Senate leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, said he did not "support in any way" getting American troops involved in the Iraqi "civil war".
But Gen Dempsey told a Senate panel that it was in America's "national interest to counter [ISIS] wherever we find them".