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#BringBackOurGirls Protest Hold In Newyork And D.C (Photos)

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Nigerians living in New York City took to the streets of New York yesterday to protest the kidnap of over 250 Chibok schoolgirls. They were joined by other non-Nigerians who walked with them in solidarity. The protesters all adorned Africa headgear as they walked the streets and finally stopped at the Union Square in New York. Another group protested in D.C. See more photos below:

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FUTMINNA Matriculates on 7th May - 2013/2014 Session

The management of the Federal university of technology has announced this coming Tuesday 7th May to be their matric date which ought to have been done on the 3rd of April.
The Myschool Team and Myschoolers wish all successful fresh students a happy and joyful celebration. 

REVEALED: Boko Haram got over N11 Billion funding from sponsors to kill


The Islamist group, Boko Haram, may have got over $70million between 2006 and 2011 for its insurgent activities in Nigeria which claimed lives, the most recent of which is the Friday Nyanya, Abuja bombing, from its sponsors.
At a conservative exchange rate of 1 to 160, that amount comes to N11.2billion.
This and many others were part of the revelations by retired Major Chris Moghalu of the United States of America’s military.
And whereas he first made the disclosure on the African Independent Television, AIT, morning magazine programme, FOCUS NIGERIA, hosted by Gbenga Aruleba.
It was also learnt that many of the bank raids and armed robbery occurrences which became rampant in some parts of the North were orchestrated by members of the sect.
A security source, while corroborating some of the revelations by Major Moghalu, disclosed that the funds did not just come from one mono-source of one trans-national criminal activity.
It was revealed that with a clever web of a series of trans-national organized criminal activities, Boko Haram, a mere assembly of rag-tag political thugs masquerading as Islamic evangelists, has been able to rake in so much money from its sponsors. In the process, the group is also demonstrating that it can inflict maximum catastrophe and destruction on the nation.
The trans-national crimes used to secure funds for the group include but are not limited to the following: drug trafficking, smuggling, weapons trafficking, money laundering, kidnap for ransom, opinion sale and outright armed robbery.
It was gathered that the involvement of AQAP and AQIM, as well as Al Shabab from the East African flank, “has made the movement of funds very fluid and multi-optional”, the security source disclosed.
On September 23, 2012, it can be recalled that one of the money couriers of Boko Haram was arrested with N4.5million. ‘The accountant’ was said to be in transit between Kano and Zaria with the cash belonging to the Islamist group when men of the JTF intercepted and arrested him.
Sources said he was travelling in a commuter bus as a cover.
The arrest came barely two days after security agents tracked and killed Boko Haram spokesman, Abu Qaqa, in an operation in Kano.
The Islamist group’s ‘accountant’, it was learnt, embarked on the journey which originated from Maiduguri, Borno State, to make cash transfers. The sources said his cover blew after he and another associate made some money transfers in Kano, an action that aroused the curiosity of bank officials who alerted security agents.
The associate was arrested but, by then, the ‘accountant’ was already on his way to Zaria. Subsequent manhunt yielded fruit as the ‘Boko Haram accountant’ was arrested in transit.
In fact, “the arrest was responsible for the seeming lull in the activities of the sect in the Kaduna/Kano axis for a few months.”
In the area of collaboration, NE found that the foot soldiers for AQAP and AQIM are now in Nigeria operating alongside Boko Haram.
As part of the network, it was discovered during investigation that the seeming exploits of the group in recent weeks is a direct function of the involvement and full participation of members of AQAP and AQIM.
As a grand design to score maximum publicity (notoriety) with their activities in Nigeria, NE was made to understand that the trio of AQAP, AQIM and Al-Shabab decided to deploy resources with a view to executing terror campaigns in Nigeria.
A security source pointed out that “whereas there are still pockets of Boko Haram members domiciled in the country and are being picked up, the terrorists involved in cross-border activities are largely made up of foreigners”.
Sometime in the fading part of the third quarter of 2009, the then President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua made a bold move regarding the militants in Nigeria’s Niger Delta.
He sought to grant amnesty after dozens of months of militancy which had seen Nigeria’s crude oil output plummet to less than 20% of total output. But his major headache was how to convince the leaders of the militants who were not only making tens of millions of naira from illegal sale of the country’s crude but were also making the statement that the despoliation of the region needed attention.
It was learnt last week from a source inside Aso Rock Presidential Villa of the strategy that Yar’Adua put in place and which eventually worked.
Firstly, the then President got a Niger Delta politician cum professional who was not only respected but who also had a voice and could reach out to the militants.
The politician / professional could so do, it was disclosed, because his position as former Managing Director, Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, as well as his outreach agenda across the region, placed him in good stead to pursue the President’s mandate.
That was how he became the chief negotiator preparatory to the amnesty programme which even the United States of America, today, is keen to get more information about because it is the first of its kind in the world where insurgents are disarmed, integrated and comparative peace restored to the region.
In fact, President Yar’Adua demonstrated his commitment and seriousness to keep faith, “that he sent his Defence Minister, General Godwin Abbe, as well as Chief Tony Anenih, Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Board of Trustees Chairman, to the creeks to meet with the militants that this was not just a government gimmick”.
Indeed, a drama of sorts ensued when the militants in Tompolo’s Camp 5 eyeballed General Abbe for threatening them. “They told him that his own community was already surrounded and if he thought he could come to their camp and threaten them, they were ready for him in equal measure to unleash terror on his community, too”, the presidential source said.
Another militant leader, Ateke Tom, had to be prevailed upon to disarm and convince his colleagues by this same set of leaders. In his own case, a helipad was specially built in his camp so that a helicopter could land there for onward movement to Owerri International Airport, Owerri, en-route Abuja.
Both Tompolo and Tom met with Yar’Adua – even then, Anenih still had to prevail on them to disarm. It was, therefore, heartwarming on the last day of the amnesty deadline when Tompolo’s boys engaged a procession to disarm.
Today, there is relative peace in the region.
Therefore, the principles are still the same and the processes that led to disarming the militants can be adopted in a way for the Boko Haram terrorists.
The British government and the IRA reached for a negotiated settlement after decades of a destructive face off. The Tamil Tigers also had to chill after decades of wanton destruction.
Senator Ali Ndume, Borno South, spoke on the floor of the Senate of how they got information, got in touch with the military authorities about the impending assault on Chibok, but that the military headed in a wrong direction from where the insurgents struck.
Some observers have spoken about the need to boost the morale of the military.
To be fair, the many budgetary provisions made for both the emergency rule in the three states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe were allegedly not spent wisely to cater for the officers and men of the military.
There were insinuation in some quarters that the sacking of the immediate past Chief of the Army Staff, General Azubuike Ihejirika, was not unconnected with the welfare of the officers and men.
A source in the Presidency told newsmen that just two weeks after the appointment of a new Chief of the Army Staff in the person of General Kenneth Minima, reports from the field suggested that the morale of the troops was heading for the sky because they were being promptly remunerated.
However, whereas President Goodluck Jonathan would not be expected to be on the field issuing directives, leadership remains a very key factor.
Momentum and morale are key. It appears as though the momentum is on the side of the insurgents, the defence forces have also been doing their best.
“Were they not up and doing”, a Department of State Service, DSS, source told newsmen, “what we are complaining about today would have been nothing compared to the agenda of these terrorists”.
He added: “But the pushback that the defence forces continue to give them bloodies their noses and, therefore, they resort to attacking soft targets”.
But targets are targets, soft or hard!

UAM Resumes 11th May for 2013/2014 first semester

At its 253rd (Regular) meeting held on Thursday, 24th April, 2014, Senate approved the amended 2013/2014 academic calendar for all Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students.

Consequently, fresh Undergraduate and Postgraduate students will resume on Sunday, 11th May, 2014 for mandatory orientation and accommodation arrangements while returning Undergraduate and Postgraduate students will resume on Sunday, 18th May, 2014 for academic activities. Registration commences on Monday, 19th May, 2014 for all students.

On behalf of Senate and Staff, the University Administration wishes all students the best and success in their academic activities for the session.

Barr. (Mrs.) C. C. O. Ohemu

So Sad! Popular Legendary Islamic singer Dies

Iwo, Osun State-born famous veteran and versatile Islamic singer, Alhaji Abdul Waheed Yusuf Ariyo a.k.a Aditu Nla has passed away. He bowed to death at exactly 1’oclock this morning at Ibadan teaching hospital. Survived by four wives and many children. May his soul RIP.

You Wont Believe This! MEET The man who lives without money! [PHOTO]


Irishman Mark Boyle tried to live life with no income, no bank balance and no spending. Here’s how he finds it.

If someone told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I’d now be living without money, I’d have probably choked on my microwaved ready meal. The plan back then was to get a ‘good’ job, make as much money as possible, and buy the stuff that would show society I was successful.

For a while I did it – I had a fantastic job managing a big organic food company; had myself a yacht on the harbour. If it hadn’t been for the chance purchase of a video called Gandhi, I’d still be doing it today. Instead, for the last fifteen months, I haven’t spent or received a single penny. Zilch.

The change in life path came one evening on the yacht whilst philosophising with a friend over a glass of merlot. Whilst I had been significantly influenced by the Mahatma’s quote “be the change you want to see in the world”, I had no idea what that change was up until then. We began talking about all major issues in the world – environmental destruction, resource wars, factory farms, sweatshop labour – and wondering which of these we would be best devoting our time to. Not that we felt we could make any difference, being two small drops in a highly polluted ocean.

But that evening I had a realisation. These issues weren’t as unrelated as I had previously thought – they had a common root cause. I believe the fact that we no longer see the direct repercussions our purchases have on the people, environment and animals they affect is the factor that unites these problems.

The degrees of separation between the consumer and the consumed have increased so much that it now means we’re completely unaware of the levels of destruction and suffering embodied in the ‘stuff’ we buy.

Very few people actually want to cause suffering to others; most just don’t have any idea that they directly are. The tool that has enabled this separation is money, especially in its globalised format.

Take this for an example: if we grew our own food, we wouldn’t waste a third of it as we do today.

If we made our own tables and chairs, we wouldn’t throw them out the moment we changed the interior décor.

If we had to clean our own drinking water, we probably wouldn’t shit in it.

So to be the change I wanted to see in the world, it unfortunately meant I was going to have to give up money, which I decided to do for a year initially. So I made a list of the basics I’d need to survive. I adore food, so it was at the top. There are four legs to the food-for-free table: foraging wild food, growing your own, bartering and using waste grub, of which there far too much.

On my first day I fed 150 people a three course meal with waste and foraged food. Most of the year I ate my own crops though and waste only made up about five per cent my diet. I cooked outside – rain or shine – on a rocket stove.

Next up was shelter. So I got myself a caravan from Freecycle, parked it on an organic farm I was volunteering with, and kitted it out to be off the electricity grid. I’d use wood I either coppiced or scavenged to heat my humble abode in a wood burner made from an old gas bottle, and I had a compost loo to make ‘humanure’ for my veggies.

I bathed in a river, and for toothpaste I used washed up cuttlefish bone with wild fennel seeds, an oddity for a vegan. For loo roll I’d relieve the local newsagents of its papers (I once wiped my arse with a story about myself); it wasn’t double quilted but it quickly became normal. To get around I had a bike and trailer, and the 55 km commute to the city doubled up as my gym subscription. For lighting I’d use beeswax candles.

Many people label me an anti-capitalist. Whilst I do believe capitalism is fundamentally flawed, requiring infinite growth on a finite planet, I am not anti anything. I am pro-nature, pro-community and pro-happiness. And that’s the thing I don’t get – if all this consumerism and environmental destruction brought happiness, it would make some sense. But all the key indicators of unhappiness – depression, crime, mental illness, obesity, suicide and so on are on the increase. More money it seems, does not equate to more happiness.

Ironically, I have found this year to be the happiest of my life. I’ve more friends in my community than ever, I haven’t been ill since I began, and I’ve never been fitter. I’ve found that friendship, not money, is real security. That most western poverty is spiritual. And that independence is really interdependence.

Could we all live like this tomorrow? No. It would be a catastrophe, we are too addicted to both it and cheap energy, and have managed to build an entire global infrastructure around the abundance of both. But if we devolved decision making and re-localised down to communities of no larger than 150 people, then why not? For over 90 per cent of our time on this planet, a period when we lived much more ecologically, we lived without money. Now we are the only species to use it, probably because we are the species most out of touch with nature.

People now often ask me what is missing compared to my old world of lucre and business. Stress. Traffic-jams. Bank statements. Utility bills. Oh yeah, and the odd pint of organic ale with my mates down the local.

How a ‘Prophet’ R@ped A Woman In Order To ‘Heal’ Her Stomach Problem!

In the latest round of unbelievable, un-Godly things that some pastors have been doing lately, Lungile Ncube, supposed prophet of the Twelve Apostolic Church, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, stands accused of r@ping a woman he was supposed to be helping with her stomach problem. , .

According to My Zimbabwe News Online, when the 32-year-old Ncube appeared before Sikhumbuzo Nyathi recently, the bemused Regional Court Magistrate heard how the prophet had supposedly prophesied that the 23-year-old woman was suffering from stomach problems and her husband would soon be involved in an accident at work.

The prophet then offered to come to the house of the woman and help her to pray for healing, according to the alleged victim of the r@pe.

Ncube is denying that he violated the young woman when he went to her house on Janaury 28th, the day after he supposedly received a revelation that she needed his help in order to be healed.

However, the distressed young woman insisted in court that Ncube used guile tactics to weaken her defenses and put her faith and trust in him.

According to the woman, Ncube, who is also a neighbor, came to her house in the early morning while her husband was at his place of employment, a local mine.

Ncube then proceeded to persuade the woman to drink a solution of three cups of water mixed with salt, then prepared a hot water bath for her to steam her body with, alleged the woman.

The woman went on to say that Ncube then asked her to strip naked and wash her private parts in the prepared water. However, the woman refused to do this as it didn’t appear to be a proper thing to do when they were all alone in the house together.

Ncube allegedly allowed the woman to wash her private parts while he went outside. However, when he returned, he again insisted that the woman must strip to complete the healing process of rubbing soil, salt and mud all over her body.

After having smeared the “healing mixture” over the woman’s breast and legs, Ncube then asked the still embarrassed woman to bend over. Allegedly, this is when he quickly inserted his manhood into her private parts, insisting that she would have to climax to achieve full healing.

The woman later told her husband about her strange ordeal and they informed the local police.